Sunday, March 30, 2008

my first roll in the M6

I followed my friend Watanabe's suggestion and welcomed my new Leica with an Ilfor FP4 125.
Well, it is hard to describe the amaze when, after developing the roll in your toilet, you find out how forgiving is this beatiful machine both with exposure and focusing (which was my main concern being the first time I was shooting with a rangefinder, where everything seems always in focus before you get use to actually concentrate on the little framebox where you must couple the images...)!
And, looking at the sharpness of the 35/f2 lens, and its smooth transition from focused to out-of-focused areas (something people refer to as "bokeh" in japanese) I now understand those who say "sell everything else and stay with your Leica!"

1 comment:

Dom said...

Caro Maurizio,

Benvenuto in the Leica world.... Un mondo che ti farà scoprire quante volte la realtà merita di esser fermata, dove il fotografo e la realtà si fondono insieme lontano da quel mondo asettico e patinato della fotografia moderna.
...Ma mi sembra tu sia già sulla buona strada: continua così!